Saturday, 31 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Sunday, 25 May 2008
And this one.......
I hope that my child
Friday, 23 May 2008
Grizedale Camp

Thursday, 15 May 2008
Entrepeneurs ?
Yesterday was library day, I found a great book on making soap so we might have to give that a go one of these days (along with the hundred other things we want to do!) Today was spent pottering about the garden and house. Dave wasn't working so he was out digging some more of the garden out with a guy from Freecycle who had come to get some topsoil. They filled up the back of the pick-up but it looks like hardly any has gone from the garden. Hopefully we will have some more people wanting topsoil and it will slowly disappear. We desperately want to get the garden level so we can have a proper table and chairs to sit on and the kids can do bits and pieces on in the summer. Any volunteers???? we'll provide a room (or a tent) and food!!!!
Me and Eilidh potted out some tomato plants we had been growing on our windowsill and realised that we had ended up with loads. I half jokingly suggested we set up a table out the front to sell them to passers by. Of course Eilidh decided this was a great idea, and I was ordered in to make signs, get a table and make an honesty box (she's soooo bossy!!) We set up our little stall and left it out all afternoon and we sold seven plants....not bad for not much effort. Ok it was only £3.50 but Eilidh was really chuffed....our mini entrepeneur!!!
Dave took the kids out to get a paddling pool and also came back with a mini greenhouse for me, so I now have somewhere to put all my seedlings (ones that haven't been sold!!) I hope it can survive the winds that seem to whip around our house sometimes, but since our 'proper' greenhouse got squished by a tree earlier this year I think it's great!!
I am desperate for a workroom / shed / anything as I have a hundred ideas running through my head at the moment and have nowhere to make any of them happen...GRRRRRR...very frustrating. It's such a pain getting the sewing machine and clobber out only to have to clear it all away every time. I can but dream...........
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Summer's Here........I think!
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Beautiful Scotland
One day we found a gorgeous beach along the coast where the kids (and Dave!) spent a happy hour building sandcastles and rock forts while I collected loads of shells to do something with!
We also went to the 'Museum of Costume' which wasn't far from the site. It was in a lovely old Scottish house with beautiful grounds and the kids had a chance to dress up in victorian costumes. Eilidh wasn't too impressed with her very girly costume so decided to go around the museum in the boys sailor suit instead. Mind you, it didn't quite go with the corset she tried on at the same time!!
On the way home we decided to stop and have a look at Caerlavaroch Castle. There were actually two castle, the older one just being ground ruins. The 'newer' castle was amazing, it even has a mansion house built in the middle of it which looks really bizarre. The kids had a quiz to do as we went around and they really enjoyed pretending to be the raiding armies and discovering little staircases and hidden rooms.
After having our picnic lunch we headed off again until we got to Gretna Green, where we stopped for a look around. It's really just a glorified tourist shopping centre now but we stopped for an ice-cream before heading down to some friends for tea.
It's been a lovely few days but it wasn't quite such a wrench to come home as it normally is when we go away to Scotland. Maybe because we knew it wasn't for long or maybe because we feel happier at 'home' now than we have before. Who knows... or maybe it's because we know we will hopefully be going back to Scotland later in the year.........