Tuesday, 14 February 2012

We don't do School.....

There's been a few discussions on groups in the last couple of weeks about what 'type' of Home Educator you are...unschooler, radical unschooler, structured, autonomous etc, etc, etc.  I never knew there were so many names for what we are doing, personally I haven't got a clue what we are and don't really care!!

We've been 'home educating' (for want of a better term!) for about six years now and I guess we've mainly got past worrying what other people think or feel about our choice. We don't follow a curriculum, we don't 'do school' at home, we don't tend to do a lot of written work although occasionally one of the many workbooks we have on the shelf gets dusted off and worked on, we don't do exams......yet we still have two very bright, intelligent children who are capable of reading well above their age, happily socialise with other adults and children, can workout intricate computer games and build incredible Lego models (which is a skill all of it's own!!)  Go figure!!!...........

Eilidh has taught herself how to do joined up writing because she wanted to rather than having to, Ben just doesn't write but would probably be able to get us all out of an emergency situation if the need ever arose (Bear Grylls is the best!!) and can spout out facts about animals and history I never knew, as well as knowing all the characters of Star Wars!! They can work out slices of cake fairly, figure out how much money they'll have left after buying that must have Lego set and are far too good at bargaining money for doing chores!! They pooh, pooh silly science experiments with rolled eyes and 'we know that Mum..' and look bored when we get our 'you need to know this' hats on because most of the time they already do, just from living and being able to explore the world without the constraints of having to do something in a certain time, in a certain way.

They're not angels either but this is just so you know where we are..... we just go with the flow. I have to admit to baulk at the idea of being truly 'autonomous' in every aspect of our lives as I've seen  a few children whose families pretty much allow everything and it has most definitely put me off!! So we're sort of in a halfway house,  not completely autonomous but also a long way from structured ....at the moment.......
We have two happy, healthy, intelligent children who are learning all the time and teaching us much of the time, they may be behind their school friends in some areas and way ahead in others, it doesn't matter because they will achieve what they want to achieve when they're ready....not when others say they should be.   

So that's our 'Home Education' story, every child and family is different and there are many, many ways of doing it and it can change from day to day............But we definitely 'Don't do school' ...........(at the moment!)