Wednesday 11 July 2007

Last night the farmer was out in the field opposite gathering the hay, so we had five tractors and trailers busy at work until well after we had gone to bed. I really don't envy them doing all that, they were out again this morning before we got out of our lazy beds! Actually they could have been out all night getting it finished, who knows!

Eilidh went to bed with a headache and ended up in our bed at 3am so it was off down the doctors this morning. The usual thing happened, we sat around waiting for about half an hour to then actually be in with the doctor for about five seconds! The usual's a virus, give her Calpol, Nurofen and plenty of liquids (which we were doing anyway!!) So we have been lounging around watching telly and videos all day as Eilidh's head was thumping every time she moved. Still I managed to get a whole heap of laundry washed and dried (Yes we had a dry day at last!) Hopefully tomorrow she'll be feeling better and we can get on with the garden which is looking more like Steptoe and Sons Yard at the moment.

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