Sunday 30 December 2007

Not much has happened over the last few days.... cleaning cottages, making junk models (or inventions as Eilidh calls them!), doing some more bead pictures, listening to story tapes and today we went for a nice drive up to Pooley Bridge and had some lunch. The weather has been awful, there are ponds in the fields around here and the roads by the lakes are at the same level as the lake itself!

Eilidh has lost another tooth tonight, she has been playing with it all day today..Yuck! Here is the gappy girl!!


Tina said...

That must mean that you have had more of that strange stuff called rain, I can hardly remember what that is. I last saw rain in September!!
Lewis has another wobbly tooth but his is on the bottom this time

Fran said...

I will try to get a pair of dentures from work and send them on to Eilidh!!

Lock Family said...

Yeah, rub it in Tina! We seem to have had nothing but rain this week.

P.s we got the parcel for Eilidh the other day, she was really chuffed, Ben wasn't!!