Monday, 2 January 2012

Limbo Land....

I have been put to shame by all the other bloggers out there who seem to have made New Year resolutions to write their blogs more frequently....well....almost! I'm not going to promise anything at the moment but we'll just see how it goes.

We've had a weird couple of months, DH has had mysterious pains in his lower abdomen area for a couple of months now, the Doctor is baffled, scans and tests have showed nothing and after much to-ing and fro-ing he is due to see a Consultant tomorrow to see if he can figure it out! This has meant that as a Self-Employed Handyman who can't even pick up his toolbox, he hasn't been able to do much, let alone work. The run up to Christmas was not looking great in our house. However we have had some fantastic friends and family who have really been like our Christmas Angels, and we are extremely grateful to them. Logs have been chopped and stacked, food has appeared from people we have only just got to know, gifts we never expected have been given and even some anonymous financial assistance has landed on our doorstep. People out there are still fantastic whatever anyone else may tell you!! We had a lovely, relaxing Christmas Day and it was certainly helped by our Angels, we really hope to be able to pay it forward sometime soon.....

Now onto New Year......We're hoping tomorrow will bring some clues as to how we can move forward but this New Year it feels like we are living in a kind of Limbo Land, we can't really think about what 2012 may bring until we know where we stand and how it's going to effect work and our home life for the moment we are ever so slightly plan-less (is that a word?!) and will just have to go with the flow, that includes Home Ed!!

For now we have to remember....we have happy, healthy kids, we have a roof over our heads, heat in our fire, food in our cupboards, great friends and families and even the luxury of a nice car to get around in, we really are blessed where others aren't......

Have a blessed New Year and may it bring all you need and wish for x     

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