Monday, 30 July 2007

Got some more photos on the blog...eventually!

After stuffing ourselves with curry last night we both had a really bad night , serves us right! I left Dave in bed snoring and took the kids down to the paper mill in the next village to stock up on lovely coloured paper and card for crafty bits and future projects.

This afternoon it was off to our local Home Education group again for the kids to play and us to drink coffee (or tea!) and chat. Dave managed to get all the kids involved in a game of rounders which was really good although it ended a bit abruptly when one of the boys got upset about being out and ran off with the bats. Of course the other lads ran after him which set him off even worse. What they hadn't realised was that when he was at school the teachers had labelled him a 'problem child' (he's actually Dyspraxic) and would chase him and then physically restrain him so he panicked when the other kids chased him.

Thankfully it all ended up ok and he very bravely came and apologised (although it wasn't really anyones fault.) This lad is such a lovely, kind boy who will happily play with Eilidh and Ben although he's a bit older than them. It's a crime that school has damaged and frightened him so much just because it seems they didn't know how to deal with his illness.

Sorry, bit heavy today and I've got a cold! But it was sunnny again!!

1 comment:

Fran said...

Sounds just like William!