Saturday, 18 August 2007

Pretty boring day today. We had three cottages to clean, two of our normal ones and a new one as well so all of the morning was spent doing these. We were given a bottle of wine from one of the owners of our regular ones to say thanks for looking after it!! We don't normally see any of the owners so it was nice to meet them and get some thanks instead of being moaned at by the office for missing something!!

The kids took some toys with them and quite happily spent the morning playing and watching videos at the house Dave was sorting out. We came back for lunch and Dave and the kids lazed about this afternoon while I went on the hunt for birthday presents and food for our camping trip. We have just got to get through the pile of washing, drying and ironing from the cottages before we go ....what fun!!!???

Ben happily went to bed with his favourite teddies tonight so I guess the bad dream had been forgotton already, thank goodness!!

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