Tuesday, 14 August 2007

We all went off to the library this morning to get some new books. The library are running this summer thing for kids called the 'Big Wild Read' where they get prizes for reading books. The theory is that the kids have to finish six books over the summer and they get stickers , bookmarks etc each time they complete one. Well Eilidh had read more than six books in the first week herself and Ben had sat with me and read more than that as well. So they ended up today with all their stickers, and bits and bobs all in one go!! Do other kids just not read, or get read to??? Both Ben and Eilidh love books and Eilidh can get through a proper reading book (junior level) in one night!! It just seems amazing to me that they have to try and bribe kids into reading when our two love it!!

Anyway, I went off shopping this afternoon while Ben proceeded to lay a train track right across the landing from his room to Eilidhs and they both played quite happily (with sound effects much to Dave's annoyance!) until I got back.

It's Eilidh's birthday next week while we are camping and I am desperately trying to think what we can get her as she keeps changing her mind!! She has been on for months that she wants a tree (don't really know why but she has been quite consistent with her request!) so we shall have to go and find one I guess!! She also want a pony ride, a strawberry AND chocolate birthday cake and some Barbie dolls (YUCK!) I somehow think she may be a bit disappointed!!


Tina said...

Tee Hee, almost tempted to post her a barbie doll just so i can imagine your face lol

Barbara said...

What's wrong with Barbie dolls? Steve just forwarded me your blog spot and I've been avoiding my job this morning just enjoying your life. Sounds idyllic. And Eilidh and Ben and just beautiful. We finally had a reunion with Tristan two weekends ago. He's in Naval Aviation not too far away in Virginia. Charles is a Marine (hard to believe) and he is in Japan at the moment. Not too much communication from Charles yet, but I assume that's because he's not much of a writer.... More of a hands-on action man. I just got back from a Missions Trip to Oklahoma (Indian Territory) where we worked with Native American children from some dreadful living conditions. But Steve and I are well and living in Asper House. Lots of bedrooms for visitors! All the best to you and the family.
Lots of love from Barbara

Lock Family said...

Hi Barbara!

We just have a thing about Barbie as I guess I was never a girly girl and played with teddy bears not dolls!! However we have found some very similar (and much cheaper!) so should make her happy! Glad you are back in touch with Tristan and Charles and hope it all goes well.


Lock Family said...


Ha, Ha, Ha. Yes you probably would. You may be in Canada but I can still get revenge!!!!!!
Speak soon

Tina said...

Naw, your too nice to get revenge on me:)

Lock Family said...

Don't bet on it!!!! Love you all really!!!