Tuesday, 7 August 2007

We woke this morning to lovely sunshine pouring in our window and decided we had better get on and do something with our garden. Me and the kids decided we wanted to see if any of our potatoes were actually growing underneath as we were getting impatient! We tipped one of our potato buckets upside down and they rummaged around finding little pink treasure. We managed to get a handful of potaotes from one bucket, OK that may not sound a lot but we were really, really chuffed with ourselves!!! So we took them straight in and steamed them and then gobbled them up for lunch....YUM!

Dave got on and sorted out the load of logs which were abandoned the other day, stacking them and splitting a load ready for the fire. I disappeared off and did some shopping child-free (hurrah!!) while the kids played in the garden, digging, and drowning action man again!!

Later we decided to have a bonfire to burn off some of the garden rubbish, the kids helped gather up wood and bark and we sat out enjoying a very smokey bonfire. The kids decided to clean all the other treasure they have found around the garden (bits of pottery, slate and goodness knows what else).They happily scrubbed them with old toothbrushes for ages and then left them to dry!! We came in for tea and then went back out to try out baked bananas with chocolate on the bonfire! Very scrummy!

It has been a really nice, easy going afternoon and the kids have just enjoyed being able to get muddy and dig in the garden all day. Two tired children again!


Fran said...

Typical bloke, lying back letting his sister do all the work!!!!!

Lock Family said...

Well it's normally me doing all the work while he takes it easy so it's nice for a change!!