Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Back again!! We had a really good time at LakesCamp. The site was right by the lake shore and there were boats, windsurf boards and canoes for everyone to use. The weather was pretty good for the first half and not quite so good for the second. On the last night Autumn had most definately come as it was freezing!!

It was a really good week but really tiring, the kids were worn out from running around outside, splashing in and out of the lake, going on boats and hiding in the woods. We were just worn out, we didn't really do much but late nights around the camp fire, a not very comfortable bed and kids restless nights take its toll after a while!! So although is was good we were all quite glad to get home after a week, needless to say our proposed camp for next week has now been cancelled!!

Dave had won tickets to Westmoreland County Show on our local radio station, so on Thursday we took a day out from camp and went there. This is a huge agricultural show near here which has everything from Shire horses, craft tents, trade stalls, food hall, birds of prey and loads of other animals. Unfortunately there were no sheep and cattle shows this year due to foot and mouth but it was still really busy. We had a wander around and found a quiet spot for lunch watching horse jumping then decided to head for the food hall. There were so many people in there! I had hold of Ben and as soon as we got to the first stall he grabbed hold of my arm and said 'mummy, get me out of here'!! I felt just the same so ended up putting on my back and found a quiet bit in the middle of the marquee to stand in until Dave and Eilidh were ready to go!! Neither me or Ben can cope with lots of people. The whole show was really interesting, but I think we were all tired and decided we probably wouldn't go next year but who knows?

Well, our caravan will soon be off to pastures new. We had decided that this would probably be it's last trip as it was starting to fall apart a bit but didn't know what we would do with it. One of our friends who does coppicing and charcoal burning has been offered the job of looking after someones large woods for them, which also means them living in the woods. They are going to be living a a large yurt and were wanting a caravan to use as well while it's being built and then for extra space afterwards so it will be retiring gracefully to live in some lovely woods. (We did do a swap for a chain-saw as Dave needed one for cutting wood and for work.) As it will be staying there they can reinforce the floor etc and it should do them for a few years to come. Our friends have three kids and are part of the home education group and hopefully next year when they are a bit more settled, they will be doing woodland skills with some of the kids which will be brilliant. They are hoping to do work with willow, charcoal burning, building benders and just having the woods to play in. I'm really looking forward to it, never mind the kids!!


Fran said...

i am really envious of your friends - that would be my dream life living in the woods in a yurt.

Lock Family said...

It sound lovely doesn't it? Although on the practical side, I think the trips to the spring for water, pooing in a hole in the ground and having no washing machine may start to get a bit too much sometimes!!! I guess we will get the best of both worlds, as we can go up and visit all day and come home to running water and electricity at the end of the day!!