Tuesday, 4 September 2007

Dave went off again to sort Steve's garden out and we went off to sort out one of the holiday cottages. Someone had been in for the weekend and I think we actually spent all of about half an hour in there as it looked like they had literally only slept there and nothing else!! Great!!

I then braved taking the kids around Morrisons for a few bits and pieces, needless to say I will not do that again in a hurry! We then went over to Steve's to take some lunch for Dave and Paul (friend helping him out) and ended up staying all afternoon chatting. Eilidh and Ben went off with Steve's son Joel and his friend Myrna to pick blackberries and disappeared for about two hours so we had lovely peace and quiet! They all came back and set to making blackberry cordial, sieving the blackberries, then cooking the juice up with sugar. It was actually really nice and Ben decided he actually loved it although he won't eat blackberries themselves!!

After all their excursions picking blackberries, Ben fell asleep on the way home and I managed to get him in his pyjamas and into bed without a murmer!! Eilidh followed soon afterwards. A nice relaxing afternoon for me.

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