Thursday, 29 November 2007

Well, after putting in the plants in the dark, the next day was completely fog bound so no photos could be taken of Steve's house anyway....typical!! So spent another day gardening (in the fog) on Tuesday.

Yesterday, Dave had an appointment to get his glasses sorted and the kids were both booked in for eye tests. Eilidh did brilliantly and her eyes were perfect, Ben's were fine but they want to see him again six months as there were a couple of areas which weren't quite perfect but nothing to worry about at the moment. We then went off to the library to load up with more books, had a bit of time reading stories there and then headed for a cup of coffee in a cafe before heading home. We couldn't work because it was pouring with rain all day so spent the afternoon sorting bits in the house out and the kids watched some vidoes. We were all feeling really tired and aching.

Today, Dave went off back to Steve's to work and I had a day off! My hands are quite painful and one of my fingers keeps getting stuck!! Whenever I bend my finger it is really painful to get it straight again, probably not helped by pulling ivy and wearing wet, muddy gloves all day! So me and the kids spent some time packing up a parcel for our friends in Canada (Hi Tina!!) and making christmas cards and paper snowflakes. Lots of glitter and glue everywhere! We took some lunch up for Dave and ended up staying for the afternoon at Steve's drinking lovely coffee, chatting and watching Dave and Wendy (our little helper!) working very hard making paths through the woods. It is really looking good now and Steve has finally got his 'For Sale' sign up so hopefully he won't have to wait too long for it too be sold. I enjoyed not having to work (!) although I think I may regret laughing at Dave and Wendy when they make me do all the rubbish jobs tomorrow!!!

Dave also went back to the opticians today to get some contact lenses fitted as he is going to give them a try so we shall see how he gets on.


Tina said...

Good Morning,
Glad to get my morning fix of your blog again, does this mean that the problem has been sorted out?
Have a good day
Love from Canada
Tina x

Lock Family said...

Yes, at long last. BT finally decided it was their fault and there was a fault on the line!! Why they couldn't have figured this out after sending out about three different engineers we shall never know!!!??