On Tuesday, the kids went off with Dave up to Penrith for swimming and our Home Ed social afternoon. I had stayed behind as we supposedly had a cottage to do, however I discovered after lugging all the linen to the house that no-one had actually been in even thought it had been booked. What a waste of time!! Still they all had a fun time swimming and playing while I got back home and glossed a couple of cupboard doors!!
Wednesday was another trip to the library as the kids had read all their books and Eilidh was desperate to get some more. We popped into our church on the way to look at a some carpet which they were pulling up in the huge renovations that are going on there. We nabbed a nice long stretch which will hopefully redo our stairs and landing and look a bit better that the horrible stuff we have down at the moment!! In the church they have pulled out all of the wooden pews and are replacing eveything so all the wood, carpet kneel pads and loads of other stuff are being given away to whoever wants them. Apart from the carpet we have also grabbed two kneeler pads (for the kids) and loads of scrap wood for kindling.
When we finished at the library we headed back to the car and Dave popped back into the church with Eilidh to use the loo and we ended up staying there for a soup lunch as they had just finished a service followed by lunch. Great!
We had gales last night blustering around the house and more rain. When I opened Eilidhs curtains this morning we found a large fir tree lying across our garden! One of next doors trees had come down.It was leaning on our little shed and across where our greenhouse is stored waiting to go up. The shed is leaning slightly and we think is only staying up because it's full to the roof with stuff!! and two panels of the greenhouse frame have been bent, still I suppose it's better than hitting the house! 
Dave managed to chop it all up this afternoon with his chainsaw into smaller peices but i'm not quite sure whats going to happen with repairs to the shed and greenhouse. The next door neighbours seemed to be quite concerned but they haven't mentioned any compensation or anything, apart from the fact that it would have cost them a lot of money to get someone else in to chop it all down and make it safe. Still, we shall see.... Hopefully no more will come down as the wind is still howling now.
Dave must have known there was a reason not to put the greenhouse up as soon as you got it. Can you keep the wood for a fire?
Its windy down here but of course no sign of snow!!
The only problem is that the greenhouse is probably too broken to go up at all which is really annoying. But still we did get a whole tree for firewood, unfortunately you have to leave it a few years to season it otherwise it spits and clogs up the chimney. Never mind!! We had snow actually on the ground today...ha, ha, ha!!
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