Wednesday, 6 February 2008

After spending half the day cleaning and tidying and Dave busy killing himself sorting out the garden, the supposedly planned council inspection never happened. Honestly, we rang them an hour after they were meant to be here only to be told that the lady was off sick so would have to rearrange another time!!! Not happy!!! Why they couldn't have rung in the morning so we weren't waiting all day we shall never know!?

Anyway enough moaning, at least it got our bums in gear to get some more stuff done around the house and it does look a lot better. Still loads to do but we are getting there. Eilidh had her face painted again and was then let loose on her own hands to do whatever design she liked. I don't think the face paints will last long at this rate!


Tina said...

Typical council not letting you know the woman was sick :(
When we had an inspection of the rental in Calgary i spent ages cleaning everything for the woman to walk in up to the kitchen and it took less than 2 mins, when i asked her she told me these inspections are just to make sure you are not running a grow op in their properties!!
As if i would!!!!

Lock Family said...

I guess she didn't spot the cannabiss plants in the garden shed then???!!!!

Tina said...

Haha and we hid the smell of smoking the stuff lol