I had been promising the kids for ages that we would go to a farm to see some animals so yesterday we did just that. We packed a picnic and went off to Docker Park Farm. It's a small open farm not too far from here. When we left the weather wasn't too bad, chilly and bright but when we got to the farm it was a really cold wind and we managed to just miss the rain. Last week we were walking around in t-shirts and this week it's back to winter coats, hats and scarfs!!? Weird weather.
We went and looked at all the animals, cows, lambs, alpacas, rabbits, llamas, ponies, pigs, guinea pigs, differnt birds, owl, and some others. There were also a few goats wandering around, one became very friendly with us when he realised we had some food in our pockets. There was also an old, huge pot-bellied pig wandering around loose (called Elvis!) and he gave Ben a bit of a fright when he appeared behind him!! Ben and Eilidh had fun stroking all the animals and helped feed the lambs with bottles and had a play in the play area. Eilidh got a ride on a little pony which made her very happy and then home again. 

We never actually got to eat our picnic so we decided to go home in the warm and have a living-room picnic. Unfortunately Ben decided to fall asleep on the way home and slept most of the afternoon so it was just me and Eilidh munching sandwiches on the floor!!
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