While I was off cleaning one of our cottages, Dave took the kids down to Lancaster as he had to send some parcels from Ebay. They then went off to the Ashton Memorial park which is a lovely park in Lancaster that has a playground, butterfly house, a beautiful domed memorial building and great views over Lancaster and Morecambe Bay. They had a great time discovering all the little bandstands and seats dotted around the park and had a play before having some lunch. 

Later on this afternoon some of our friends from Kendal turned up for a coffee and chat. We haven't seen them for ages so it was nice to catch up. They have a boy a bit younger than Eilidh and starting home-educating about the same time as us so it was good to catch up with how they are getting on. I'm very jealous though as they have just got a dog, everyone seems to be getting dogs (except us of course!!)
I remember going there!
Sea Monkeys are the things to get - no fir, small jar, & weird - got to be the easiest pets!
William 'hatched' his that he got for Christmas and there are loads now - only need feeding every few weeks!!! Ok so you can't take them for a walk ( i suppose you could put them in your bag and hope the jar doesn't leak!!!!!!!!!!)
Not quite the same!! Eilidh has already planned to get a collie or a cocker spaniel(?) when she moves out!!!
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