Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Yesterday we went off in search of our friends who had moved into a yurt on a hill just before Christmas! We have been trying to get hold of them but their mobiles don't seem to be working any more so we decided to try and track them down. Unfortunately we knew which hill they were on but didn't know exactly where!! It's private land but has footpaths running up it so we ventured out on a very beautiful, frosty, rocky, steep footpath hoping to find them when we reached the top. When we got to the top we could see for miles over Morecambe Bay, and up into the Lake District but couldn't see any Yurt!!

Eventually we spied what we thought might be a Yurt roof hiding in some trees a little way over and went to surprise them but they weren't there....typical!!! Never mind, we left them a note and hopefully we will catch up with them eventually!! It was a lovely walk anyway and will be great in the summer up there.

Before going on our expedition yesterday, we had someone come and pick our sofas up and take them away. We had decided a couple of weeks ago that they were really too big for our living room so sold them on Ebay, While we are sofaless we are hoping to get the living room re-painted (don't like the colour we did it originally!) and get a decent carpet down (depending on money!) instead of our patchwork carpets from Freecycle which have done us ok until now! So we are back to plastic garden chairs and caravan cushions at the moment!! The kids think it's all an adventure but I'm not too sure!!

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