Well, the gales weren't bad at all, we had worse winds a couple of weeks ago!! Although the weather was pretty horrible today (and Daves shoulders were very bad overnight too) so Dave wasn't working as his next job is trimming a huge hedge for the vicar. I took the opportunity of sneaking off to town to get the veg from the market and browse around the shops all on my own....I know, unheard of!! I actually got a chance to get to Boyes,one of my favourite shops (sad I know!) and came out with some dye for tye-dying and other crafty bits and peices, then onto The Works (2nd favourite shop!) I managed to find some small canvasses which I thought the kids will enjoy painting on to make 'real' pictures. After browsing around the charity shops and not finding anything except a book on horses for Eilidh I gave up and came home. The charity shops around here seem to have upped their prices and most things are ridiculously priced now.
I got home to the smell of simmering soup and Dave and the kids busy making peg boards to do designs with wool on! Fantastic!! They had made a huge vat of soup (I think we're turning into soupaholics.) 
Later on Ben went off to play with his trains while Eilidh and I got the acrylic paints out to paint a canvas each. I usually tend to avoid painting as I was always told I was no good at art at school but I actually enjoyed it.

I love the peg board idea how do you do them?
Dave got some squares (ish!) of hardboard and hammered in some tacks all the way around at equal spaces. The kids tried but ended up banging their fingers more than the nails!! Then all of my knitting wool got pinched to make pretty patterns with!! The kids really enjoyed it and it's so simple. Eilidh has now undone hers and started again on a different pattern...hours of fun!!!
Oh goody, i bought a cheep roll of wool for crafting from walmart the other day i will try and pick up some hardboard might be a good one to do with the little girl i look after as well as Lewis and Holly.
Dave recommends 1/2" plywood for nailing, but you can use hardboard & drill holes through (smaller hands find it easier than nails).
Have fun dearie.
Love to all,
which painting is yours!!!!!!!
Ha Ha!! Just watch it Princess Tittytipi or I shall be sending nasty smoke signals to your camp.
I thought you were non smokers - its very bad for you.
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