Friday, 11 April 2008

Dave's eyes were still all puffy and sore so he was banned from coming with us to cookery group. Ben spent all the time there playing with a train set while Eilidh made chapattis to go with the lentil dahl being made by others. She was really happy squishing the dough and making it into strange shaped chapattis. We came home with a big tub full of dahl and not very many chapattis after Eilidh had munched her way through most of them!!

I love going to these groups but usually find them exhausting, so I ended up going straight to bed while Dave and the kids watched Dr Doolittle. I managed to get about an hours rest before a little person appeared by my bed with a bowl of hard boiled eggs asking where he could put the shells!!!???

As we already had some Dahl made, Dave decided to make a curry to have with it and I made some more chapattis quickly. Very nice!

More Lamb pics for Tina:


Tina said...

Thankyou Naomi :)
Hope Dave's eyes get better quickly.

How do you make chappattis could be an idea for the kids to do.

Lock Family said...

This makes about 8-12 chapatis:

12oz flour
1tsp salt
1tbsp veg oil
7fl oz water

Put dry ingredients in bowl, add remaining ingredients and mix to form soft dough.

Divide dough into 8-12 balls. Roll each out to a thin flat round. Cook in non-stick frying pan (no oil) for approx 1 min each side.

Then dunk in your curry and eat!!!!