Yesterday the kids decided they wanted to watch a film ('The Wild') in the morning so I managed to get the washing, washing up, cleaning and sorting done and then we went out for the rest of the day. We decided to go to one of our local National Trust properties, Sizergh Castle to have a look around. The sun was shining, the flowers were all out and beautiful and I forgot my camera.....GRRRRR! I was so annoyed with myself as there were so many lovely pictures I could have taken and Eilidh told me to shut-up at one point as she was fed up with me growling about not having my camera!!!
We had a great time, Eilidh and Ben ran around finding new bits of garden, exploring under trees and bushes and studying frog spawn and water snails in the pond. There is an amazing limestone rock garden which has little waterfalls and streams running under rock bridges and things and they were both fascinated by this. After spending about and hour or more going around the garden we decided to have a look around the castle. The kids both decided they wanted to do the childrens quiz so we went off, clipboard in hand, searching for the answers. They both really got into it and it was good for them to actually stop and look at things instead of racing through in five seconds flat (and we managed to get all the right answers!!) Definately worth a few more visits this year, with a picnic and my camera!!
Ben's eyes have got better but now Eilidh and Dave have come down with this weird eye infection. Poor Eilidh looks like she's had a few rounds with Mike Tyson as her eye is all swollen up. Hopefully it will go as quickly as Ben's. I guess I will probably be next...great.
Today the kids didn't want to do anything, Eilidh was really tired with sore puffy eyes so they stayed at home with Dave as he wasn't working today. I went off to the library on my own to choose them some books and to get a chance to look for some of my own. I had lots of other other errands to do and when I got back they had sorted out more toys and bits to go on Freecycle and cleared some stuff in the living room. Maybe I should go out more often!!! And I even had a lovely cup of 'proper' hot coffee waiting for me that Eilidh had made (with Daddys help!)
Here are the two cheeky monkeys saying cheese for me...
We sat and read a few of the books together, nearly losing my voice trying to sound like a pirate all the way through it!!! And now my eyes are feeling blurry and sore so I think we may be staying in tomorrow!!
Just a few more piccies of 'our' lovely little lambs (just for Tina!!), they seem to have a little club area near our fence where they all gather to talk about their day!! 

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