I was on the craft tent for a couple of hours helping the kids make some great flower necklaces, crowns and bead bracelets and the amount of people that couldn't believe it was all free was quite funny!! All the kids had great fun and took stuff they had made home with them, some of them obviously never did this kind of thing at home whereas Ben and Eilidh weren't bothered as they get to do craft whenever they fancy!! Dave was busy making sure the kids didn't kill each other on one of the bouncy castles. Although we didn't get to see much of what was going on, everyone seemed to be having a fantastic time and the atmosphere was really lovely.
Of course Eilidh and Ben had their fair share of candy floss, cake and bouncing on the inflatables and were exhausted at the end of the afternoon. Poor Dave had spent all day Saturday setting up, then back down in the morning, then onto guarding the bouncy castle, then helped clearing up, then was on the sound desk at church that night so he was completely worn out when he eventually got home at about 10pm that night!!
Yesterday we went out to Serpentine Woods in Kendal with our friends Chaz, Dawn and their boys Zeph and Isaac to collect wood for a 'camp-fire' tea. The kids all had back packs full up with sticks and twigs by the time we got back to the cars. We then left them to go home and get sorted while we got a load of fruit for pudding and met them later on for tea. This was Dawn's birthday tea as she hadn't had much of a birthday the week before so they had got a lovely fire going in their back garden and while the kids played the jacket potatoes, chicken drumsticks and bread twists cooked!! It was a really nice day, we all love camp-fires and there's always something more special about eating outside with good friends! Hopefully they will be coming along to our next camp which is next week so it will be great for Ben to have someone to play with.
Party in the park sounds great - is it a really big church you go to?
Pretty big, and they have brilliant groups and stuff going on for the kids and 'Yoof' so it's great. I guess what you could call a 'up to date Church Of England!'
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