Monday, 27 October 2008

Today was the first day of Holiday Club which our church put on every October half term. Eilidh and Ben were very excited but I woke up feeling really rough, my tummy was churning and making some very interesting noises! As I was helping out with the craft I really needed to be there, so I dosed up with some Alka Seltzer and managed to feel ok (ish) by the time we had to go. I ended up feeling alright until I got home and had some toast and then my stomach objected slightly. After an hour in bed this afternoon, I'm hoping the worst has passed. We have had this weird bug three or four times this year and it seems to go as quickly as it comes.

Dave had been down at the church until 1am this morning helping out painting scenery as it has been transformed into a space ship for the week!! We had 140 kids plus leaders and they all seemed to have a great morning, running around, screaming, shouting, doing craft, playing games and singing very loudly! Only three more days to go!!

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