Friday, 5 December 2008

The snow is still hanging on! We did a bit more sledging and snow man building yesterday and today was Cookery group. Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate!! Me and Eilidh made some Petits Fours(?), little chocolate fancy sweets in those little sweet cases. First we had to brush chocolate round each one to make a casing and then filled them up with a mixture of chocolate, cream and Rum Essence. When they cool down they have a hard chocolate outside with a sort of soft chocolate fudgy filling. Not very easy to describe but they are scrummy. I think we will make some more as little pressies for our neighbours and friends.

Ben didn't join in (as usual!) I sometimes wish I could chop myself in half so I could do something with him while Eilidh wants to get on with stuff in the group. He doesn't really settle in any group situation, we have even been told by his group at church that if he doesn't settle down soon they may have to chuck him out (said very nicely and politely of course and not quite in those words!?) That would be a first....being excluded from Sunday school....just makes me even more sure of the reasons for NOT sending him to school. I really feel that he may be somewhere on the Autistic Spectrum but don't really know what to do about it.

Anyway.... tomorrow we have NO cottages to do...Hurray!


Fran said...

He may well be on the spectrum but if he is that is just him. The only way of getting it diagnosed is probably paying for an ed pscy. The school picked up Williams problems. you can do screening on the internet which may give you some idea. i think boys are very different to girls and have a lot more energy that they find it hard to contain. Give me a ring if you are worried - i have been through most of the channels with Will!XX

Lock Family said...

I don't know. I can see some of the 'classic symptons' but then not others. We are just struggling with him at the moment as he seems to go completely hyper in groups, hits and bashes about and then doesn't understand when people don't want to play with him!!? Of course, I then get really stressed and feel like I'm constantly on his case. He's also started lashing out when he's 'told off' and when he's frustrated. On the other hand he can be incredibly affectionate and thoughtful so who knows??? I'm at a loss!!