Wednesday, 18 March 2009

After deciding that today was going to be miserable because it was cloudy this morning we decided not to go for a walk and went off to the 'Best of Lakeland' show in Bowness. This was open to the public today and all the local businesses which have anything to do with the hospitality sector were there. The kids feasted on free samples of local sausages, cake, bread, two lots of ice-cream, meat, smoked fish etc etc...... they thoroughly enjoyed themselves!! I was very good and only had a free coffee. We also came out with pens, pencils and some lovely Derwent watercolour pencils. Fantastic! We sat outside and drank our drinks and they even got a go on a Segway, one of these motorised scooter type things (see the picture) and they had some gorgeous Alpacas there as well. I decided I wanted one but I don't think we would persuade Dave seeing as he won't even let us get a dog!!

After trawling around there we headed back down to the Lake for a bit of lunch (not that the kids needed it after all that!) and a paddle and play. It was beautifully sunny and it's always so relaxing sitting watching the sun glint of the water. A really nice day all round!!

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