Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Just a quick note to say we are still here!!!! Had a complaint that we hadn't written anything for ages so thought I had better put in an appearance!

Been a wierd month (as usual) and not really been up to writing much. The kids have been busy playing and surprising us with things they have learnt while we weren't looking! Dave has been busy trying to drum up some more work, putting lots of adverts out. He has had a few responses, with three quotes out at the moment and a few small jobs already done but not really anything right now so we'll keep trying. My little crafty business has done absolutely nothing so I'll just keep making bits here and there and will probably have to look for something else to do as well. I have got a possibility of some things being taken by a shop in Hawkeshead so I need to get labels and things and take some in to see what they think (scary!)

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