Sunday, 31 May 2009

Summer has finally arrived.....for now at least! Yesterday while Dave was busy working and at choir practice, I took the kids into Kendal to go to a new festival, Cyclefest. As the name suggests it was all about cycling!! We had a good wander around, Eilidh had her face painted, and they both had a go at some unusual bikes (trikes, penny farthings, folding bikes, bikes with saddles that go up and down etc....) They had other things going on there,such as making a belt from inner tubes, various craft stalls, bike jumble, bike powered bubble blowers ...... It was very hot and we were quite glad to walk back to the car along the shady river footpath.
After church today, we headed off to Lake Windermere with our BBQ and swimsuits (the kids, not me!!) and have spent a lovely lazy afternoon in the beutiful sunshine. Eilidh and Ben have spent most of their time in the water and were really happy to see their little friend Jewel for a while as she lives down by the lake. They had a great time playing on her trampoline which Ben loves. We have actually managed to get them a proper trampoline off Freecycle the other day, which they don't yet know about, so I can't wait to get it up and see their faces!!! They have been desperate to have one for a while now so it will be great, just need to get a net for it!!

The fields opposite us are covered in buttercups and wild flowers at the moment. We went for a wander up onto Cunswick Fell (the fell behind our house) the other day and it was lovely wading through knee high grass and flowers to get there! The kids decided to 'lose' themselves in it and kept running on ahead and flopping down so they couldn't be seen (not quite so funny when I saw the state of their clothes!!)


gizmosworld said...

Has this blog been moved, forgotten or just ran it's course! Seems a long time since it was last up-dated.
Pity I used to look forward to the family updates.

Lock Family said...

We'll be back!!!