Typically, on a day which has been mostly spent at home doing all the lovely Home Schooly things other people seem to do on their blogs, my camera decided to eat it's batteries and refuse to work! So no lovely pictures as proof but some links and some waffle instead.....
Eilidh started the day feeling yucky, complaining of stomach aches and feeling sick so we thought we would be in for a miserable day sitting in front of the telly not doing much at all. Ben decided a marathon session on the computer would be more enthralling so got stuck in to racing cars, motorbikes and anything else he could find. I got on with some hooked pictures I had started and Eilidh just sat and groaned for a while (bless her!) Obviously feeling a bit better an hour later she then decided to draw her own picture onto some hessian which we will get started for her tomorrow and had a go at mine in the meantime. This seemed to spur the motivation and by the end of the morning she had gone to level three on a typing tutorial (Dance Mat Typing), Ben had printed and built some great paper cars from PaperCars.net and Eilidh had decided to build an Ocean Box (like the one on this blog...Our Homeschool Fun) They both proceeded to paint a box blue, taking it in turns and went off in search of some books about the Ocean to use for reference. So.....all in all not a bad kind of day...we even fitted in a trip to the local park and ice cream!!
Tomorrow we are heading for the library to find more books and (dare I say it?) may even turn into a great little project, learning whilst making and having fun.
And just so you don't feel deprived of some visual stimulation, here is a beautiful Rhododendrum flower, taken the other day. I love these flowers and there are some gorgeous ones around the Lakes at this time of year.Makes me smile every time I see one......
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