Saturday 22 December 2007

Great.....three days to christmas and the kids have come down with sore throats and snuffles...typical!!!

Yesterday we went to see our friends in Kendal to drop off presents and things we had borrowed off them throughout the year so the kids spent all afternoon playing with Dennis and Florence (prospective son and daughter-in-law!) Dennis and Eilidh were busy playing super heroes and running around in the park at the back of their house while Ben and Florence were busy tipping cars all over their living room floor! Me and Kate were extrememly busy drinking proper coffee and yakking..hard work! Eilidh had already been complaining of a sore throat but seemed fine but on the way home Ben started as well and both of them are sniffing for Britain now. They got well dosed with parecetamol before bed last nigh and hopefully we will kill it off before Christmas Day.

We have woken up this morning to white frosty fields again, so another cold day.


Tina said...

Oh I am sorry Eilidh and Ben are unwell, they always seem to be healthy then come christmas a bug comes and gets them. Big hugs to them.
Hope ours dont come down with a bug because we are surprising them and taking them to zoolights christmas eve.

Lock Family said...

I know, it's just typical isn't it? They are busy snuffling away on the sofa at the moment.
The zoolights sound good, is it actually at a zoo?

Tina said...

Yep google calgary zoo then look for special events it should bring up zoo lights the zoo is lit up with millions of lights its really good and less than £15 for all of us!

Lock Family said...

Have a really good time, it sounds great! We havent been to any lights this year but maybe we will go for a drive around and see some tacky houses before christmas day!