Saturday 22 December 2007

Well, the weather was not only cold but HORRIBLE!! We had freezing rain this afternoon which made all the footpaths slippy and the back roads even worse. After going to the library and re-stocking we did last bits of shopping and then got the snuffly kids back home to veg out in front of the fire. I then had to go off to Morrisons and get the food bits I had forgotton yesterday!

Of course, being my usual dappy self I merrily went off down the back roads...bad idea! They were like a skating rink and after crawling along at snails pace, having to stop to let someone through I managed to skid into a grass verge. Fortunately it was only the front wheels that I bashed but unfortunately the car started juddering over 40 mph after that. Well off I went to Quick Fit where a very nice man looked at my wheel, got a tool and scraped off all the mud jammed in the rim and told me to try it out! It worked... fortunately but I did feel like a complete dizzy blond (sorry all blondes out there!) for not realising that a bit of mud could affect the car so badly. Never mind, at least it didn't cost us any money even if I did feel a tad silly!

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