Thursday, 19 July 2007

Hurray ......we had sunshine!!!!!!!!!

This morning I had a coffee morning with the team that help out with the toddler group at church so Dave got on with the loft until he reached boiling point as it was lovely and hot!! The kids got on with reading and watching a Bob the Builder DVD. When I got home they helped me out in the garden repotting some spare veggies seedlings and making a big muddy puddle even more like a death trap!! Our vegetables seem to be doing really well, I'm really chuffed because we were really late putting things in as the garden wasn't ready in time but they all seem to be coming on fine. Yummy!

This afternoon we all went to our friends house for the kids to play and us to drink tea and coffee. They had great fun splashing about with a bucket of water (& Florence enjoyed herself sitting in the bucket!) On the way home we picked up a new computer desk off Freecycle which is great and will give us some more space to work on.

Unfortunately our computer is throwing a wobbly at the moment so we can't get any photos on our blog but we will keep trying!

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