Wednesday, 18 July 2007

I am sitting here looking out of our front window at beautiful sunshine over the mountains and wondering why on earth wasn't it like this earlier?? Yes, I think I am getting a tad obsessed about the weather but it seems to have rained every day for the last month! We ended up going to the library this morning to get some new books out, the kids love going and we usually end up in there for an hour or so reading most of them! Eilidh is a real bookworm and is reading way above her age and loves poetry (girl after my own heart!) I've even found Ben sitting 'reading' his books in his bed when he is meant to be going to sleep so I think we may end of with two little bookworms!

As we had some luncheon vouchers from doing internet surveys we decided to treat ourselves to McDonalds (not very healthy but yummy!) and then headed home. Dave and the kids spent the afternoon watching Cars on DVD while I got on with sorting out the cupboards in Eilidhs room. Ended up with a bagful of clothes to be passed onto our friends so a worthwhile afternoons work!!

Note from Dave: This does not mean I did nothing all day, I was at home flooring out & panelling the attic amidst all that horrible fibre insulation stuff, whilst they were all out having fun!!!!!

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