While I was off sorting out one of the holidays cottages, Dave decided to tackle the hedges at the front of the house as they were getting a little bit overgrown (understatement!) The kids kept themselves amused playing trains and running around outside. The hedges look much tidier now and the garden looks a little less like Steptoe and Sons.
Phoebe from two doors down came in to play and my peace was shattered!! Not by her, but by Eilidh and Ben getting all excited because she was here, I'm surprised she ever comes back as she always seems a bit bewildered by how much noise they can make!!! They had great fun playing upstairs, doing colouring in the living room, playing with trains and making mud soup in the garden. They seem to manage to cram in so much fun into two hours!!! Phoebe will be staring 'big' school next week so we probably won't see quite so much of her then so it's nice for them all to get on and play (and it gives her mum a break!!)
Schools here start next week, so everyone else is gearing up for that. It's soooo nice not to have to be running around sorting out uniforms, shoes, books and goodness knows what else. Instead we are planning days out, camping trips and other much more exciting things!!! Most scary but definately the best decision we ever made!!!
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