Saturdays are pretty uninteresting days as we are usually doing some of the holiday cottages which takes up most of the day. So I thought I would get some pictures of our back bit of garden to put on the blog. Our veggies are doing well, we have even had some cauliflowers now and the beetroot, cabbages, onions, garlic and leeks seem to be doing ok as far as I can tell. The courgettes in buckets seem to have been gobbled up by snails but we may save one and the runner beans have just started flowering but not much else so we shall wait with baited breath!!

The back garden is still waiting to be dug out to make a flat seating area, but so far either the weather hasn't been here or we haven't!! We really need to get this done before winter comes as the retaining walls need to be built before the hill behind us ends up in our kitchen!! Any volunteers???
The farmer was out in his field at the back cutting the grass the other evening so he will probably turn up at some time to pick it all up for silage. This will keep the kids happy watching the tractor going round and round the field.

Veggies are looking good!
I know I am quite surprised, they all went in really late and are a bit crammed together, as we only got one bed built this year, but they seem to be doing ok. We'll have to get another bed sorted out for next year!!
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