Monday, 29 October 2007

We all went off to Steve's house this morning, Dave to get on with the garden, the kids to run around and help daddy and I had to drop them off and go to one of the cottages to sort it out. When I had finished I headed back to Steve's with some lunch. Eilidh and Ben were busy playing computer games with Steve's two boys and had only helped Dave for about five minutes!

After lunch Dave and I decided to bring a few trees down! Actually some quite tall but very spindly Sycamores which needed chopping down to let some light through. Everything was going great until Dave's new chain-saw decided to break....Hurrah! So we had to get on with clearing the area and weeding instead. The kids had disappeared inside to watch Shrek and we didn't see them for most of the afternoon. Joel and Jason (Steve's boys) were learning the art of babysitting!

Hopefully we will be able to get the chain-saw sorted or replaced but unfortunately this will take a few days and there are still quite a few trees to bring down. Dave is trying to take it easy so that his shoulder holds out so we shall wait and see what the plan is tomorrow.

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