Sunday, 28 October 2007

Yesterday was mostly taken up with cleaning cottages and vegetating in front of the telly!

As the clocks went back last night we supposedly were meant to get an extra hour in bed (not likely!). Ben was up as usual at the crack of dawn so in the end we got up as well. I managed to get a bath and then the kids both had one, all before church! Afterwards we went out for a drive rather than going straight home, had some lunch at a pub in Orton and then headed back home, exploring some of the little lanes on the way back. Dave amused the kids while I got a pile of ironing done again, then a lazy tea in front of a nature programme before I headed off to church again tonight.

We are hoping that Dave's shoulder is up to getting back to work tomorrow and I will probably spend a couple of days helping him out to catch up.

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