We spend a couple of days just lounging around at Mum and Dads while the kids got busy drawing, colouring, sticking, discovering Grandmas toys again and playing cards on the computer. The weather was horrible (so much for sunny somerset, it rained nearly all week!) but we did manage to have a BBQ and a walk on the Saturday with Fran, Andy, Jack and William. This was great, the sun shone a bit and we were the only mad ones BBQ'ing in January, the kids splashed about in the river and built shelters and drove each other mad but it was a brilliant day. (Thanks Fran and co!!) 

One of the days we went off to Street Outlet village with mum to go shopping, this is an outdoor retail place but it has plenty of places for the kids to play so they weren't too bored with traipsing around shops. We managed to get ourselves some shoes and clothes which were desperatly needed and the kids had a lovely surprise of some spending money from Grandma which they dutifully spent on toys!!! 

The Travelodge was ok, it was on a trading estate surrounded by concrete but it served it's purpose and was pretty cheap so we well worth using if you can get their special offers. It was a bit weird walking down the stairs straight into a Burger King and Restaurant but we managed!!! The kids even went to sleep at a reasonable hour each night which was great!

Yesterday, we were out at Science Group, learning all about air, making Carbon Dioxide and Fire Extinguishers all with Bicarbonate of Soda and Vinegar. Fascinating! Fortunately one of Eilidhs friends mum used to be a science teacher so she could give us a hand as I am absolutely clueless whien it comes to this sort of thing. I hated Chemistry and Physics with a vengeance at school!!
Today it actually stopped raining, so we ventured out into our very soggy garden and while Dave and Ben sorted out the shoe rack and front porch me and Eilidh got on with digging out our veggie patch ready for the new crop. Not quite sure what we are doing this year yet and when we are meant to do it but I'll have to scour the gardening sites and figure it out!! (or ask Dad!!!)
This afternoon was spent sorting out the kids toys, I have actually managed to clear a box and bag load of toys from their bedrooms without them realising yet (Ha, Ha, Ha!!)
I also got very stupidly emotional over Ben insisting that he wanted to sell his wooden railway track which he has absolutely loved and played with constantly from when he was tiny up until a few months ago. I felt really upset that he doesn't want it anymore, how silly is that??? I guess it's more the fact that he's growing up so fast and that just brought it home a bit!? Well, I have to look on the bright side as it does sell really well on Ebay and he has tonnes of it so I guess that helps!!
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