Today has been quite a good day, the kids have been busy all day while I've been able to get some bits done as well. This morning, we sat down and did some 'work', Ben worked on his ABC workbook, writing letters and colouring while Eilidh worked through some worksheets on measuring and some other maths. They then decided to do some painting (which lasted about five minutes!) and then Ben decided he wanted to go on the computer while Eilidh carried on with some more maths work.
In the afternoon, we watched a DVD on the 'Rotton Romans' as Eilidh wants to know all about Romans and how they lived. I also managed to order an activity pack off Ebay yesterday about Romans so we shall see what it's like when it arrives. Ben decided he wanted to play with some play-dough so we first had to make some (blue and green this time!) and they both spent about an hour and half playing with this while I got on with dinner. Fantastic!
Dave went off this afternoon to help someone off Freecycle with their computer and came back with a bottle of wine which was really sweet of the guy. He is also off to look at another job tomorrow for our friends parents so hopefully that will come off as well.
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