Monday, 14 July 2008

On Friday, Dave took the kids off to Cookery group to make Elderflower Ice Cream and Shortbread (very delicious!) They met up with another home educator who is up from Wales travelling around in her camper with her son. We had met them briefly at the last camp so they came back for some tea and ended up staying the night. The little boy, Bruin is six so the kids had great fun playing around until late. The next day we had to go off and do our holiday cottages so they went off over Lake Windermere to find somewhere to park for the night. So far they have managed to stay in laybys and small tracks and haven't needed to go to a camp site at all. We had a frantic phone call from Cumbrian Cottages asking if we could do an extra cottage so we managed to get three done in less time that it normally takes us to do two! The big house had been left pretty spotless with all the beds already stripped....Hooray!! We then went over to see Coral and Bruin for a play by the lake for a while before heading home.

Yesterday we had our monthly walk with the Home Ed group which Martin had arranged to be just down the road from our house which was handy! While I frantically tidied the house as I knew everyone would end up here for coffee, Dave took the kids off to church. A friend of ours from the Home Ed group also goes to our church so they came back for some lunch before heading off on the walk. There was a good group and it was a lovely afternoon, mainly bright and sunny. We went up over the top behind our house and then on for a total of about six or seven miles (although it felt more!!) The kids did brilliantly and were shattered by the time we got back although they still managed to race around the garden and house while we all drank coffee and ate cake!! It was great as we found out some more footpaths which we can get to from our house and where they go to.

Today the kids are really tired so we are set for a quiet day in reading, watching telly and generally not doing much while Dave goes out to work (poor soul!!)

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