Today Dave wasn't working and as me and the kids have been stuck in the house for days we decided to get out and let off some steam! Even though it has been raining most of today (well, this week actually!) we went off to Sizergh Castle, a National Trust place not far from here . We had a great time, the kids did a quiz around the castle and then we wandered around the grounds in the rain but it is so beautiful there that it didn't matter and the kids don't care anyway!! We ended the afternoon with coffee and ice-cream and then home again. It was nice getting out, I think the kids and I have been driving each other mad!!

This week Ben has suddenly started 'making books' and wanting to write things and make inventions. Yesterday he made a little book for his friend Phoebe (two doors down) and today he decided to make a car ferry for all his cars so he thought about it carefully and then raided the recycling to make it. Dave got roped in to help and they made a great little ferry out of cereal boxes and plastic trays!! This doesn't sound like much but for Ben it's quite a big step as he's never really shown that much interest in 'making things' and writing.

We went to the library the other day and re-stocked. While we were out, Eilidh picked up a design kit for denim, with beads, fabric paint, sequins etc so she has been busily re-designing her denim jacket (with a bit of my help) It looks great!!

Well, schools are now out around here so it has got really manic in Windermere and Bowness. I guess this is when we re-discover all the out-of-the way places again!!
So where's the pic of Eilidh's jacket then??
Love the pic of the 3 of you, it's nice to see you in a photo Naomi :)
Sorry Tina darling, pictures now uploaded of Ben's ferry & Eilidh's jacket. Unfortunately the colour of the paint stuff she used does not stand out very well from the denim but it is very nice.
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