The rain is back! We had some lovely days of beautiful sunshine butunfortunately not long enough! It really feels like Autumn up here now, the evenings are getting colder and darker and we desperately need to re-stock our wood pile to get through the winter.
This weekend has felt hectic in a kind of nice way. Saturday we were off doing our two cottages, then took the kids to a park in Kendal to ride their bikes. Eilidh had been given a new (to us!) bike by our next door neighbours and she was desperate to give it a good run. We ended up having to put her stabilisers back on as she can't get the hang of cycling without them. Mind you, the hospital had said a while ago that she may find peddling hard anyway with her shorter leg so I think she's doing fine!
After her last trip to the hospital, it seems her leg is now 18mm shorter on her right so she had some new trainers sorted out with a block again and given some exercises to do and it's a case of wait and see what they say next time. Fortunately she no longer needs the night splint (which we kept forgetting to put on anyway!) It doesn't seem to affect her too much, other than not being able to hop on her right leg!
Sunday was a really nice day, after church in the morning we took the kids and their bikes down to Grange-Over-Sands to have a look at 'Prom-Art' which has been running once a month all summer. They have any local artist or craftspeople who want to join in with stalls along the prom where they have little displays of their work which they can sell. It was really good, and it was interesting to see other peoples work and get some inspiration. They had a gorgeous sunny day for it. The kids cycled along the prom until we got to the first stall and then abandoned their bikes to have a stroll along with the promise of an ice-cream at the end! As we were in Grange we popped in to see our friends for a coffee on the way home and ended up chatting for a couple of hours.
Today was meant to be a day to sort out and tidy the house before mum and dad get here on Wednesday but I don't seem to have got anything done. My energy levels and motivation were not playing ball today (sorry Mum, you will have to put up with our messy house!!) The kids are very excited about seeing Grandma, Grandpa and Jock (the dog).
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