Friday, 26 September 2008

We had a Felt Workshop for the kids today instead of our usual art group. One of the mums had organised for a lady to come in and show us all how to make felt pictures. It was brilliant,there was quite a crowd that turned up and everyone listened carefully and then happily got on with their pictures. Eilidh decided to do hers of the stable where Jesus was born (her idea!) and I did an undersea picture. Ben had decided before we got there that he didn't want to do any felting and played with his cars and did a puzzle instead. Just as we were getting near the end of the workshop he then decided he did want to make one so a rather hurried picture of Thomas was made (surprise, surprise!)

The end results were great and everyone was really pleased with their efforts.!

I felt shattered again as I normally do after these groups. I'm finding it really tough with Ben at the moment as whenever he goes to these groups he starts playing up, chasing around, throwing cars and 'fighting'. I think I was feeling a bit peeved today anyway about something someone had said about Ben which was really niggling at me. I won't go into detail but it was probably not said the way I took it, but when it's a sensitive subject it always seems so much worse. I'm very conscious of the fact that he gets carried away and doesn't really understand when to stop play fighting and as most of the boys are older than him they find it quite funny to wind him up. Anyway, sometimes I just have to remind myself what a gorgeous little boy he is when he wants to be (unfortunately not everyone sees this side of him!!) Gripe over!!


Fran said...

Ben is lovely and energetic just like little boys should be! What people say can be very hurtful, they don't realise it sometimes so take no notice and be glad that he is who he is. However i am concerned that Eilidh is getting into the christmas theme a little early!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lock Family said...

I know, I was just feeling a tad over sensitive and protective. There's nothing like a bit of motherly outrage is there!!!!

Yes, Eilidh is getting ready for christmas already, making bead card pictures. It's only three months away you know!!

Fran said...

Thanks for that little reminder! Williams Christmas list has changed approx 34526 thousand times, his parents are millionaires apparently!
Motherly outrage is a great stress outlet, keep going!!!
I did suggest to the boys that we all just have a small present and enjoy being together at christmas and being thankfull that we have what we have - the idea was laughed at and they booked me into the nuthouse!

Lock Family said...

Well I will make your christmas burden easier by telling you not to send us any pressies up as the postage always costs more than the present itself!! Ben is already putting his orders in for more trains and Eilidh is all for the idea of making presents but I think the reality may not go down so well on Christmas day!!

Just tell William that to be fair he has to spend the same amount on you as you do on him....ha, ha, ha! How is the nuthouse now, I may be joining you very soon!!