On Thursday we went off to Lakeside and Haverthwaite Railway to drop in a form for a new Residents card and so we could take a ride on the trains. Unfortunately they were'nt really open although we could have a look at the engine sheds, so we stopped for a picnicthere and then headed onto Fellfoot park. The kids spent a while paddling and playing in the bushes before we headed for the play park.

Friday was Science group, looking at Micro-Organisms. The kids all did a great job getting into groups and then doing presentations of what they had learnt about their chosen bit of the subject. There were much more interesting presentations than I ever remember from school (and more dramatic!)
Today we went off to Brockhole with our friends Kate, Dennis and Florence for a long play in the park and then onto a Jumble Sale at Troutbeck Village. It was great, I managed to pick up a couple of wool jumpers to felt and make things with and a pile of fabric for next to nothing as well as some tops! The kids each had some pennies to go and spend at their leisure and they managed to come out with lots of bits and pieces for next to nothing (I think they smiled sweetly at the man running the stall and he ended up giving them half the bits!!)
We have had four days of lovely sunshine and everyone seems to feel so much better for it. I really hope this year we will have much, much more of it!!